Grade-Free Learning System as A Means of Creating a Psychologically Comfortable Educational Environment in the Class to Motivate a Child to Successful Learning Activities

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Saydaliyeva Dilfuza Zairjanovna
Kurbanova Muxabbat Mamadjanovna
Mustayeva Guldora Salaxiddinovna
Tulaboeva Gulorom Tulaboevna


In modern elementary school, the problem of ungraded education is very relevant. The main encouragement and the strongest (but not always effective) punishment in pedagogical work is assessment. This is a tool that the teacher must be able to use.

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How to Cite
Saydaliyeva Dilfuza Zairjanovna, Kurbanova Muxabbat Mamadjanovna, Mustayeva Guldora Salaxiddinovna, & Tulaboeva Gulorom Tulaboevna. (2022). Grade-Free Learning System as A Means of Creating a Psychologically Comfortable Educational Environment in the Class to Motivate a Child to Successful Learning Activities. Eurasian Research Bulletin, 14, 17–20. Retrieved from

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