Current Problems of Training Pedagogical Staff for the Implementation of Inclusive Education

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Kurbanova Muxabbat Mamadjanovna
Mustayeva Guldora Salaxiddinovna
Tulaboeva Gulorom Tulaboevna
Saydaliyeva Dilfuza Zairjanovna


Inclusion primarily involves the inclusion of all children in society, because children with disabilities most of all need a friendly educational environment, which at the same time would not be artificial. Programs specially developed for "special" children are implemented in the isolation of boarding schools. Correctional organizations create a closed world for the child, in which attention is focused on his “lack”. An inclusive approach gives children the opportunity to become part of society and live a real life.

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How to Cite
Kurbanova Muxabbat Mamadjanovna, Mustayeva Guldora Salaxiddinovna, Tulaboeva Gulorom Tulaboevna, & Saydaliyeva Dilfuza Zairjanovna. (2022). Current Problems of Training Pedagogical Staff for the Implementation of Inclusive Education. Eurasian Research Bulletin, 14, 12–16. Retrieved from

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