Material Composition And Reservoir Properties Of Terrigenous Deposits

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Elleanora Narimanovna Yusupkhodzhaeva
Nargiza Utkurovna Batirova
Shokhodat Ruzimukhamedova


The article discusses the research work of a comprehensive analysis of the geological structure and oil and gas content of the southeastern part of the Chorzhui-Terrigen formation deposits and their prospects for the future. Based on the data obtained, recommendations are given for complex geological, geophysical and deep drilling operations.

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How to Cite
Elleanora Narimanovna Yusupkhodzhaeva, Nargiza Utkurovna Batirova, & Shokhodat Ruzimukhamedova. (2024). Material Composition And Reservoir Properties Of Terrigenous Deposits. Eurasian Research Bulletin, 35, 17–21. Retrieved from

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