Effect Of Nuclear-Transmuted PType Silicon with Fast Neutrons on Electrophysical Properties

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Makhmudov Sh.A
Mirzarayimov Zh.Z
Mirzarayimova F.Z
Mamadalieva G.K


The influence of defects induced by fast neutron irradiation on the carrier removal rate in reference p-Si and neutron transmutation doped silicon (p-Si < B, P >) was investigated by the Hall effect and specific resistance techniques at room temperature. It is shown that the carrier removal rate is larger in p-Si < B, P >, than that of p-Si . The barrier model was proposed for explanation of the observed effect..

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How to Cite
Makhmudov Sh.A, Mirzarayimov Zh.Z, Mirzarayimova F.Z, & Mamadalieva G.K. (2023). Effect Of Nuclear-Transmuted PType Silicon with Fast Neutrons on Electrophysical Properties. Eurasian Research Bulletin, 16, 156–160. Retrieved from https://geniusjournals.org/index.php/erb/article/view/3206