Surgical Treatment of Intervertebral Hernias
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The paper analyzes the manifestations of lumbar intervertebral hernias in 426 patients undergoing surgical treatment for this reason. The main determining indication for the operation was a pronounced radicular pain syndrome. Some sexual and age-related features of localization and clinical manifestations of lumbar hernias were revealed, as well as a fairly frequent combination of the latter with the phenomena of instability of the corresponding vertebral-motor segment (PDS) - in almost a third of patients with discradicular conflict. The operation of choice for this pathology is the intervertebral microsurgical removal of a herniated disc
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How to Cite
Isakov B.M, Isakov K.B, Mirzayuldashev N.Yu, & Mamadzhanov K.H. (2022). Surgical Treatment of Intervertebral Hernias. Eurasian Research Bulletin, 8, 6–8. Retrieved from