Current Views on the Morphological Parameters of the Maxillary Jaw in Children with Congenital One-Sided Cleft of The Maxillary Lip and Palate in Growth and Developmental Dynamics Before Cheiloplasty
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According to modern ideas, the growth of the facial skeleton and skull in norm is caused by many factors. It is genetically determined. The implementation of the genetic programme of harmonious growth of facial bones and jaws depends on the correct structure of the hereditary genome, the normal course of prenatal and postnatal ontogenesis. In congenital clefts many links of this mechanism of facial skeleton growth are disturbed
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How to Cite
Sharopov Sanzhar Gayratovich, & Tojiev Feruz Ibodullo Ugli. (2023). Current Views on the Morphological Parameters of the Maxillary Jaw in Children with Congenital One-Sided Cleft of The Maxillary Lip and Palate in Growth and Developmental Dynamics Before Cheiloplasty. Eurasian Medical Research Periodical, 25, 32–35. Retrieved from

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