New Possibilities and Views on The Treatment of Inflammatory and Allergic Dermatoses with External Medications

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Akhmedov Jamshid Khusanovich
Yuldashev Shobakhrom Iskandar ogli
Khamzaev Jakhongir Ortiq ogli
Shorustamova Komila Shukhratovna


Currently, there is a steady increase in the frequency and prevalence of allergic skin diseases in the world: atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, eczema, which in some countries affects up to 25% of the population. In addition, the severity of the course and tolerance of allergic dermatoses to therapy are increasing everywhere. The unfavorable growth dynamics of this group of diseases is due to a number of reasons. The external factors include, first of all, environmental pollution, especially in industrialized countries, as well as constant contact with a variety of chemicals (household chemicals, cosmetics, construction materials, metals, synthetic materials of clothing and footwear). The rise in the incidence of allergodermatoses is undoubtedly promoted by the use of a large number of drugs, including vitamins and food supplements, canned food and fast food products.

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How to Cite
Akhmedov Jamshid Khusanovich, Yuldashev Shobakhrom Iskandar ogli, Khamzaev Jakhongir Ortiq ogli, & Shorustamova Komila Shukhratovna. (2024). New Possibilities and Views on The Treatment of Inflammatory and Allergic Dermatoses with External Medications. Eurasian Medical Research Periodical, 36, 4–8. Retrieved from