Physical Basis of Positron Emission Tomography

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Elmurotova Dilnoza Bahtiyorovna
Zuparov Ilxom Baxodirovich
Bozarov Ulug’bek Alisher o’g’li
Mamadaliyeva Umida Pulatovna
Bozorov Erkin Hozhievich


The physical properties of a charged positron particle and the emission scheme are given. Two main research methods in positron emission tomography. The properties of radiopharmaceuticals used in positron emission tomography are given.

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Elmurotova Dilnoza Bahtiyorovna, Zuparov Ilxom Baxodirovich, Bozarov Ulug’bek Alisher o’g’li, Mamadaliyeva Umida Pulatovna, & Bozorov Erkin Hozhievich. (2023). Physical Basis of Positron Emission Tomography. Eurasian Medical Research Periodical, 26, 55–59. Retrieved from