Electrophysical properties of singlecrystal silicon sequentially doped with sulfur and zinc impurity atoms

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M.K. Haqqulov


The paper studies electro physical properties of single crystal silicon after gradual (firstsulfur, afterwards -zinc) diffusion of impurity atoms of sulfur and zinc. The authors investigated how the Si2ZnS -structured binary compounds form in the crystal lattice of silicon and also studied the physical mechanisms of how additional thermal treatment might influence the process of formation of clusters.

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How to Cite
M.K. Haqqulov. (2023). Electrophysical properties of singlecrystal silicon sequentially doped with sulfur and zinc impurity atoms. Eurasian Journal of Physics,Chemistry and Mathematics, 24, 8–12. Retrieved from https://geniusjournals.org/index.php/ejpcm/article/view/5224