Editor: Ralf Schlauderer

Professor, Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences, Germany



Editor: Henry Mattnews

Professor, Writtle University College, UK



Editor: Jacques Bulchand-Gidumal

Associate Professor of Digital World. TIDES. University of Las Palmas



Editor: Milen Filipov

Assistant Professor of Public Relations, KIMEP University, Republic of Kazakhstan



Mustafokulov Jabbor Akhmatkulovich

Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics Sciences (PhD), Head of the Department of Radio Electronics,  Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan


Usmanova Khilola Umataliyevna

Doctor of Sciences (DSc)  in Chemistry, Professor of the Department of General Tactics and Operational Art of the University of Public Security of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Kalkhanov Polatbek Jumabaevich

Doctor of Philosophy of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of the Department of Distance Learning of Exact and Natural Sciences, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz, Uzbekistan


Ibragimov Nodir Shapulatovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogical Sciences, Termez State University, Uzbekistan


Safarov Abdivoxid Shukurovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Termez State University, Uzbekistan


Chariyev Maxamadi Muminovich

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Termez State University, Uzbekistan


Tojiboev Ibrokhimjon Tojalievich

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D) in Physics and Mathematics Sciences, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Fergana branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Uzbekistan, Ferghana


Akbarov Davlatali Egitaliyevich

Doctor Of Science (DS) In Physics And Mathematics Sciences, Associate Professor, Kokand State Pedagogic Institute, Uzbekistan


Dr. Elina Bakradze

M.Sc., Ph.D., Deputy Head of the Environmental Pollution Monitoring Department The National Environmental Agency, Tbilisi, Georgia


Dalabaev Umurdin,

University of World Economy and Diplomacy in Tashkent City, Professor of the Department of “Mathematical Modelling and Informatics”, Doctor of Sciences (DSc)


Jumanov Yusuf Qurbonovich
Doctor of Phylosophy (PhD), Department of Chemical Technology, Navoi State Mining and technologies University, Uzbekistan
Nazarov Erkin Sodikovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of ”Physics” Bukhara State University Bukhara, Uzbekistan
Mamatkulov Nematillo Narzullaevich
Associate Professor at the Department of General and Oil and Gas Chemistry of the National University of Uzbekistan

Mahkamov Muzaffar Abdug'apporovich

National University of Uzbekistan, Professor of the Department of Polymer Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Doctor of Sciences in Chemistry


Jobborov Farxod Bo'riyevich

Docent of "Karshi Institute of Irrigation and Agrotechnology "TIIAME" National Research University", Uzbekistan


Mannapova Nargiza Shakirovna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan


Panjiev Arziqul Xollievich

Senior Lecturer, Department of General Chemistry, Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics , PhD


Sultanov Nomanjon Akramovich

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Physics, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan


Mustafoeva Nodira Moylievna

Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the Karshi Institute of Irrigation and Agrotechnologies, Republic of Uzbekistan


Razzakov Hasan Kalandarovich

Bukhara State University, Docent of Chemistry Department, Docent, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technics


Mukhamedov Gafurdjan Israilovich

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Rector of Chirchik State Pedagogical University


Meyliyev Xabibulla Jamolovich

Docent of "Karshi Institute of Irrigation and Agrotechnology "TIIAME" National Research University", Uzbekistan


Raximov Xolmurot Abdullayevich

Docent of "Karshi Institute of Irrigation and Agrotechnology "TIIAME" National Research University", Uzbekistan


Haydarov G'ayrat Shoyimovich

Ph.D (Technics), Associate Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Natural and Physical Culture, Uzbek-Finland Pedagogical Institute, Samarkand


Mamatqulov Muzaffar Rahmonqulovich

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Head of the Department of Uzbek Literary Studies, Gulistan State University


Genjemuratova Gulkhan Perdebaevna

Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences, Karakalpak State University


Abdiyev Umirbek Begmatovich

Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogy (DSc), Termez State University, Uzbekistan


Abdullayev Jumanazar Xudoyberdiyevich

Doctor of Philosophy, Docent of the Department of Uzbek Literary Studies, Gulistan State University


Toyirov Akbar Khasanovich

Doctor of Philosophy in Physical and Mathematical Sciences(PhD), Termez State, University, Uzbekistan


Bаbаev Bakhrom Nurillaevich,

Head of the Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Doctor of Chemical Sciences


Mirsalimova Saodat Rakhmatjonovna

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Docent, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan


Eminov Sherzod Olimjonovich

PhD in Technical Science, Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemical Technology, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan


Davlatov Shokir Oltiboyevich

Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics, (PhD), Docent Department of "Higher Mathematics", Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute, Uzbekistan.


Ibrokhimov Nodirbek Ikromjonovich,

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Physics and Mathematics Sciences, Head of the "Software Engineering" Department of Fergana Branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Uzbekistan.


Eshchanov Bakhodir Khudayberganovich

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Head of Department for Supervision of Education Quality of Chirchik State Pedagogical University



Turg’unboyev Shavkatjon Shuhratjon O’g’li

Head of the Department of Ecology, Fergana State University, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Chemical Sciences



Usmanova Khilola Umatalievna

Docent, Doctor of Sciences in Chemistry (DSc), Professor of the Department of “General Tactics and Operational Art” of the University of Public Security of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Mengliyev Shaydulla Abdusalomovich

Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences (PhD), Termez State University, Uzbekistan.


Abdurakhmanova Saida

Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Sciences (PhD), National University of Uzbekistan Named After Mirzo Ulugbek


Otamukhamedova Guzal

Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), Chirchik State Pedagogical University.


Parpieva Nodira Tulkunovna

(PhD), Deputy Director for Education and Educational work of the Joint Belarusian-Uzbek Intersectoral Institute of Applied Technical Qualifications in the City of Tashkent. Uzbekistan.


Ghoyibnazarova Gulnora Normatovna

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), Docent Belarusian-Uzbek Intersectoral Institute of Applied Technical Qualifications in the city of Tashkent. Uzbekistan.


Allayorov Saydulla Payziyevich

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Technics, Docent, Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan


Djumayeva Hulkarxon Muhammadjonovna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Termez State University.


Eshniyozov Abdumalik Iskandar

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan


Sharipov Rasulbek Akhmedovich,

Head of the Department of Mathematical Analysis, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Urganch State University, Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor


Eshimbetov Mardonbek Reyimboyevich                                                                            Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Physical and Mathematical Sciences, The Senior Teacher of the Department of Mathematical Analysis of the National University of Uzbekistan Named After Mirzo Ulugbek


Yarmetov Jumanazar Ruzimovich

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Physics and Mathematics, Urganch State Pedagogical Institute


Khudazarov Ravshan Saparovich

Associate professor of the Department of "Higher Mathematics" of the Faculty of "Software Engineering", Tashkent University of Information Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan.



Soatov Ulugbek Abdukadirovich,

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan



Urmanova Gulbahor Uruvbayevna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Biology, Associate Professor of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


Tadjikhodjaeva Umida Bakhtiyarovna

Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences PhD, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Tashkent Uzbekistan.



Ibadullaev Qakhramon Madaminovich

Chirchik State Pedagogical University, Dean of the "Preschool Education" Faculty, Doctor of Philosophy PhD in Physics and Mathematics



Akabirkhodjaeva Dilfuza Rustamovna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) In Physics and Mathematics, Docent of Department of System analysis and Mathematical modeling, University of World Economy and Diplomacy



Juraev Tursunboy Fayziyevich

DSc, Associate Professor of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, Uzbekistan



Rakhmatullaev Alimbay Khasanovich

PhD, Associate Professor of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, Uzbekistan 



Botirova Nasiba Djurabayevna

PhD, Teacher of Mathematics at the Department of Primary Education Methodology of Fergana State University Uzbekistan 


Hakimov Sayibjon

Associate Professor of the Andijan Machine Building Institute, Department of “Transport Logistics”


Turakulov Jakhongir Ulugbekovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Chemical Sciences, Jizzakh Polytechnical Institute, Associate  Professor



Yusupova Anora Karimovna

Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Mathematical Informatics, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences



Muminov Mo'ydinjon

Professor of the Chemistry Department of Andijan State University, Doctor of Chemical Sciences (Dsc)


Qirgizov Fazlidin Baxtiyorivich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor, Andijan Machine-Building Institute, Uzbekistan, Andijan


Utkir Namozovich Kalandarov

Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics of the Faculty of Software Engineering of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmiy, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan.


Kushnazarova Shokhidakhon Kosimovna

Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Departments of Chemistry, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences



Artikbayeva Zamira Allayarovna,

Associate Professor of the Department of "Mathematics and its Teaching Methodology in Primary Education" of the Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami


Xolov Komil Normamatovich

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Docent Department of " Higher Mathematics",  Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute, Uzbekistan.



Alikhonova Zukhrikhon Saitdkhodzhaevna

Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology “Аnalytical, Physical and Colloid Chemistry” Associate Professor



 Abdullaev Tolkinali Usmonovich

Head of Educational Method Department of Namangan State Pedagogical Institute


Abdullaev Nodirkhan Jorakhanovich,

Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of Namangan State University


Abdurasulov Xalil

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Docent Department of "Higher Mathematics", Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute, Uzbekistan



Son of Yorkulov Ruslan Makhammadi,

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Teacher of the "Theoretical and Experimental" Physics Department of Karshi State University, Karshi, Uzbekistan.


Boymatov Ismailjon Mamatkulovich

Senior Teacher of the Department of Chemistry at the Kokand State Pedagogical Institute



Maxmudov Ilxomjon Tolibjonovich

Kokan State Pedagogical Institute, Department of Chemistry, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences



Maxmatkulova Zuhro Xolmurodovna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan



Ismailov Saidjon Azamzhonovich

Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizamiya Faculty of Natural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Methods of its Teaching, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogical Sciences



Abdullayev Jonibek Shokirovich                                                                        
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Analysis, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Urganch State University.

Kodirov Komiljon Raximovich
Candidate of physical and Mathematical Sciences, docent. Head of the Department of Mathematics, Fergana State University

Yusupov  Elmurod Kuchkarboyevich

Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Departments Physics, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Senior Teacher



Rustamov Maxammadi Jabborovich,
Associate Professor of Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Amirova Toyiraxon Sheraliyevna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Fergana State University, PhD, the Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Uzbekistan.



Azimov Nurmuhammad Shuhratovich

Teacher of the Department of Chemistry of the Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Sciences, Uzbekistan.



Karabaeva Ra’no Botirovna

Senior Teacher of the Department of Chemistry, Ferghana State University, Uzbekistan.



Elmurzaeva Nasiba Kholbayevna

Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), Chirchik State Pedagogical University.


Kamalova Dilnavoz Ikhtiyorovna

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Department of "Phyics and Astronomy", Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


Mavlyanov Khasan Yusupovich,
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics of Namangan State University, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor


Abdulazizov Bakhrom Toshmirza O’g’li,

Doctoral Student of the Institute of Physics and Technology, Associate Professor



Urunov Isakul Ablakulovich

Navoi State University of Mining and Technology, Docent, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Physics and Mathematics.



Turgunbaev Farkhad Yusupjonovich

National university of Uzbekistan, Faculty of Physics in the Department of General Physics, Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Physical and Mathematical Sciences



Tojiev Ilkhom Ibraimovich

Navoi State University of Mining and Technology, Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics and Information Technologies, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences



Sobirov Salim Sabirovich

Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Head of the Department of Ferghana branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor


Jalolov Iqboljon Jamolovich

Doctor of Philosophy, Docent, Fergana State University.


Karimova Gavxar Shovkatjanovna
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Senior Researcher, National Research Institute of Renewable Energy Sources under the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Scientific Secretary



Yuldashev Khurshidjon Tolibovich

PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Docent, Department of Metrology, Standardization and Product Quality Management, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan


Maksudov Muzaffar Saminjonovich

Ph.D in Chemistry, Dean of the Kokan branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov


Allaberdiev Farkhod Xamrayevich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Chemistry, Termez State University, Uzbekistan



Rakhmatullaeva Makhirakhon Fayzullaevna,

Associate Professor, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi


Tursunov Mamasobir

Associate Professor of Termiz State University, Head of the Department General Physics, Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics.



Temirov Nurali Orifjonovich

Docent of the “Chemistry and Its Teaching Methodology” Department, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogic Sciences, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami



Shamuratova Makhinabonu Rametullayevna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Colloid Chemistry and Industrial Ecology, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan



Atabayev Farrux Baxtiyarovich

Doctor of Technical Sciences (DSc), Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, Uzbekistan



Tairov Saidamir Saidmalikovich

PhD, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan



Usmanov Khikmatula Lutpullayevich

Doctor of Technical Sciences (DSc), Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Alieva Guloy Kamilovna
National University of Uzbekistan, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry
Zokirova Nodira Tursunovna
Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Inorganic, Physical and Colloidal Chemistry, Candidate of Chemistry, Docent
Khazratkulova Sevara Musinovna
Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Inorganic, Physical and Colloidal Chemistry, Candidate of Chemistry.

Saydamatov Erkin Mamadjanovich

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Executive Director of Tashkent branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov


Bozorov Erkin Khojiyevich
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics(DSc) Professor, Chief Scientist of the Laboratory of Nuclear Medicine of the Institute of Nuclear Physics of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.



Khajiev Ikrombek Ozodovich

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (DSc), Applied Mathematics and Computer Analysis Department, National University of Uzbekistan



Yusupjonova Maхsuna Bоxodirovna
Assistant Professor of Tashkent State Technical University, Doctor of Philosophy in Physical and Mathematical Sciences


Akhmedov Abdumirkhakim Mirkhalilovich,

Associate Professor of the Department of Physics and Chemistry of the National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers", Candidate of Chemical Sciences


Rakhimov Rakhmatilla Nurillayevich

Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Uzbekistan. Senior researcher at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry


Adizov Akbar Adizovich

Tax Institute under the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Docent


Adirov Tolliboy Xasanovich

Professor Fiscal Institute under the Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan



Mussaeva Malika Anvarovna

Doctor of Science (DSc) on Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Institute of Nuclear PhysicsAS RUz


Abdurakhmanov Ergashboy

Professor of Department Analytical Chemistry Doctor of Sciences Chemistry Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan, Samarkand


Muradova Dilafruz Kadirovna

Docent of Department Chemistry Teaching Methodology, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Chemical Sciences, Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan, Jizzakh


Nafasov Ganisher Abdurashidovich
Philosophical Doctor (PhD) in Pedagogical Sciences, Dotsent of theDepartment of Mathematics of Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan


Jamuratov Kengash
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Dotsent of theDepartment of Mathematics of Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan


Akhadov Mamurjon Sharipovich

DSc, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


Tureniyazova Dametken Ayniyazovna

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of Karakalpak State University, Uzbekistan



Askarov Ibragim Rakhmanovich

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Andijan State University, Andijan, Uzbekistan


Saidova Nilufar Ro’zimurotovna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogical Sciences, Teacher of the Navai Innovation University, Uzbekistan



Sabirov Salim Satievich

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences, Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Fergana Branch named after Muhammad al Khorezmi



Abdullaev Jamoliddin Solijonovich

Associate Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences of the Fergana Branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad Al-Khorazmi, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics



Ruzimurodov Ixtiyor Nishonovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Karshi Branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Kwarizmi, Uzbekistan


Mansurov Dilshod Ravilovich

Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Department of Mathematics, PhD


Ubaydulloyev Alisher Nematilloyevich

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Vice Dean of Physics and Mathematics Faculty, Bukhara State University


Ruziyev Tulkin Razzakovich,

Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, Head of the Department of Exact Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Physical and Mathematical Sciences.



Abdurakhmanova Tukhtaposhsha Rustamovna

Associate Professor, Chemistry Department, Urgench State University, Uzbekistan


Baltaeva Mukhabbat Matnazarovna

Associate Professor, Chemistry Department, Urgench State University, Uzbekistan


Eshtemirov Akhror Nurmakhmatovich

Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Shahrisabz branch, Associate Professor of the Department of Natural and Exact Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD).


Movlonov Maruf Kalandarovich

Associate Professor of the "Higher Mathematics" Department of Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics v.b


Khudayarov Sanat Samadovich

Bukhara State University, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Mathematical Analysis, Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics


G’afforov Raxmatjon Abduqaxxorovich

Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics Sciences (PhD), Senior Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics, Fergana State University


Mamadaliev Botirjon Mullaaminovich

Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics Sciences (PhD), Senior Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics, Fergana State University


Gaynazarova Qizlarxon Isroilovna

Fergana State University, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Teacher of the Department


Rashidova Komila Khamidovna

Docent of Department Chemistry Teaching Methodology, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Chemical Sciences, Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan



Taxirova Nargisa Baxriddinovna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Navoi State University of Mining and Technology, Uzbekistan



Otaboev Tolib Urolovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Physical and Mathematical Sciences, The Senior Teacher of the Department of Mathematical Analysis of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek


Tilavov Khusan Shomurodovich

Associate Professor of the Department of "Chemical Technology and Quality Management", Shahrisabz Branch of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.


Kuziyev Otabek Chuliyevich

Associate Professor of the "Higher Mathematics" Department of Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics.


Khalilov Kobiljon Solijonovich

Fergana State University, Senior Teacher of the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Differential Equations, Doctor of Philosophy Physical and Mathematical Sciences


Makhmanov Daniyor Makhmanovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences,Assistant Professor of the Department "Metrology, Standardization and Certification" of the Belarus-Uzbekistan Intersectoral Practical Technical Qualification Institute in Tashkent



Sulaymanova Dildora Bakhtiyorovna

Head of the "Mathematics and Informatics" Department of the Almalyk branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov (PhD)



Shеraliyеv Sa'dullo Suyunboyеvich

Associate Professor of the Department of "Chemistry and Physics" of the Almalyk branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov.



Saminov Khusniddin Numonjon O‘g‘li

PhD, Senior Lecturer of Department of Chemistry, Fergana State University, Republic of Uzbekistan


Mirzaahmedova Mavluda

Senior Teacher of the Department “Chemical Technology of Gas Processing”, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology. Uzbekistan


Ziyadullayev Abdukaxxar Shamsiyevich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Chemistry, Professor, The Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan


Khalilov Shokhrukh

Senior Lecturer, Department of "Physics and Astronomy", Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


Abduraimov Baxtiyor Mavlyanovich

Associate Professor of the Department of Chemical Technology of Gas Processing, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Uzbekistan.


Absalyamova Gulnoza Mamatkulova

Associate Professor of the Department of "Deep Processing of Gas", Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Chemistry Sciences, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Uzbekistan.


Samandarov Latifbek Kalandar O'g'li

Teacher (PhD) of the "Physics and Astronomy" Department of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute


Yusupova Dilfuza Aminovna

Associate Professor of Physics Department of Fergana State University, Candidate of Physics-Mathematical Sciences.



Yusufxodayeva Elleonora Narimanovna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan



Usenov Rasul Bovidovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Mineral Resources Institute, Uzbekistan



Yadgarov Ishmumin Djabbarovich,

Doctor of Science (DSc) in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Modeling of Physical processes, Arifov Institute of Ion-Plasma and Laser Technologies of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences



Ismailov Muminjon Yusupovich

Doctor of Chemical Sciences (DSc), Associate Professor of the Chemistry Department of Fergana State University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana City.


Khalilov Durbek Amindjanovich

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of Information Technology Department of Fergana branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies Uzbekistan



Ravshanov Shavkat Ulashovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, S.S.E., Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture Mechanization, Laboratory Manager


Absoatov Ulugbek Kadirovich,
Associate Professor at the "General Mathematics" Department of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizomi



Sherkulov Uktam Dexkonovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Physics and Mathematics, Senior Lecturer at Navai State Institute


Geldiyev Yusuf Allayorovich

Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Science, Uzbekistan


Makhammadiyev Oybek Ramazon O’g’li

PhD, Head Teacher, Department of “General Chemistry” of  Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan


Abdujamilov Abdukadir

Military Institute of Information Communication Technologies and Signals, Professor, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Docent


Qilichov Oybek Sharofiddinovich

Specialist in Physics and Mathematics, Senior Teacher of the Department of Higher Mathematics of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology


Mukhitdinov Ramazon Tokhtayevich

Associate Professor of the Department of Advanced Mathematics, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology (TICT), Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Madrakhimov Gayratjon Nematjonovich

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Chemistry of Andijan State University, Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry Sciences (PhD)



Davlatov Utkir Tagayevich

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Dotsent of the Department of Physical of Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan


Kayumova Gavhar Abdushukrovna

Associate Professor of the "Higher Mathematics" Department of Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics.


Khudayberdiyev Eliboy Norboyevich

Acting Professor of Physics and Astronomy Department of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor.



Yo’lchiyeva Nafisaxan Tajidinovna

PhD, Doctor of philosophy chemical science,  Andijan State University, Uzbekistan



Ergashev Nasimbek Akhmadjonovich

PhD in Technical Sciences, Docent, Department of Technological Machines and Equipment, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan



Teshaboyev Abduvahobjon Marifovich

PhD in Technical Sciences, Docent, Department of Oil and Oil Gas Processing Technology, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan


Barotov Muslimboy Usmanovich

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physics and Methods of Teaching, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami.


Djabbarov Gayratbay Farxadovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor of the Department of General Mathematics, Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, Uzbekistan



Samadarov Ilkhomjon Rasulovich

 Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of "Mathematics and Informatics" of the Almalyk branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov.



Muminov Farhod Malikovich

Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor of the Department of "Mathematics and Informatics" of the Almalyk branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov.


Nuralieva Guzal Abduxamidovna

National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Faculty of Chemistry,  Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Candidate of Chemistry.


Sattarov Aloberdi Mo'minjon O'g'li

University of Business and Science. PhD. Docent


Umarov Lutfillo Murodilloyevich

Associate Professor of Kashkadarya Regional Center of Training Pedagogues in New Methodologies.


Urmanova Gulbaхor Urunbayevna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Biology, Associate Professor of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Uzbekistan



Mustafakulov Asror Axmedovich

Associate Professor of Physics and Electro-energetics Department, Professor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute of the Republic Uzbekistan


Kholnazarov Bakhodir Azamovich

Head of the Department of Physical Chemistry, Termez State University, Doctor of Technical Sciences (DSc), Professor


Ettibaeva Lolakhon Abdumalikovna

Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry Sciences (PhD), Department of Chemistry, Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan.



Djuraev Tulkin Arzikulovich,

Docent of the "Chemistry" Department, Doctor of Philosophy of Biological Sciences (PhD), Gulistan State University


Mamasoliyev Bakhtiyor Juramirzayevich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Branch of Federal Budgetury Institution of "MPEI" in Tashkent Head of the Correspondence Department



Negmatulloyev Zafardjon Turdibekovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)  in Technical Sciences, Gulistan State University, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies, Uzbekistan



Dushabayev Olimjon Nazarovich

Philosophical Doctor (PhD) in Pedagogical Sciences, Dotsent of the Department of Mathematics of Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan



Turayev Muzaffar Farmonovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Karshi branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Kwarizmi, Uzbekistan



Xamroyev Kamoliddin Shaxobiddinovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Chemical Sciences, Docent, Teacher of the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


Adizova Nargiza Zamirovna

Doctor of Philosohy (PhD) in Chemical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Chemistry, Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Uzbekistan


Umbarov Ibragim Amonovich

Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction of Termiz State University, Doctor of Technical Sciences.



Eshmuratov Abdimannab

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Dotsent of the Department of Mathematics of Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan



Muratov Abat Seypullaevich

Karakalpak State University after Berdakh, Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Doctor of Philosophy in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physics. Uzbekistan.



Imanov Baxtiyor Berdiнevich

Head of the "Educational Quality Control" Department of Termiz State Pedagogical Institute, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Uzbekistan.



Jumabayev Baxodir Yerejepovich

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Biology, Docent, Teacher of the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan



Khaydarova Ozodakhon Musojonovna

PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Lecturer, Department of Applied Mechanics, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan


Toshev Mumin Eshboevich

Head of the Department of Physical Chemistry, Termez State University, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Technical Sciences



Khasanov Jamshid Ozodovich

PhD, Senior, Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Physics,  Urgench State University, Uzbekistan



Kambarov Mukhriddin Zuxridinovich

Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Kokan branch


Raximov Akbar Xolmurodovich

Teacher of the Department of National Dress, Embroidery and Textiles of Termiz State University, Doctor of Philosophy of Technical Sciences, (PhD), Uzbekistan



Karshiev Faxridin Umarovich

Acting Professor of the "Technological Education" Department of Termiz State University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, (DSc), Uzbekistan



Khaitov Umidjon Khamidovich

Bukhara State University, Associate Professor, Department of "Information Systems and Digital Technologies", p.f.f.d. (PhD), Uzbekistan


Khayriev N. Umedjon

Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Programming Technologies at Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan


Chariyev Makhamadi Muminovich,

Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Termiz State University, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics


Baratov Jo‘rako‘zi Shukurjon O‘g’li

Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), Tashkent State Technical University, Kokan branch, Senior Teacher of the Department of Materials Science and Exact Sciences


Samadov Mizamitdin Saidjanovich

Shahrisabz Branch of Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Dean of the Faculty of "Food Technology and Industrial Viticulture".


Alimov Akram Akbarovich

Tashkent State Transport University, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor



Tursunova Gulsanam Ruzimurodovna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Senior Researcher Аcademy of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry



Abdurakhimov Dilmurod Xayitmurotovich

Termiz State University, Doctor of Philosophy of Chemistry (PhD), Head of the Master's Department of Termiz State University



Rakhmanov Sayfiddin Juraboyevich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Physical and Mathematical Science, Chirchik is a Senior Teacher of the Higher Tank Command Engineering Knowledge Institution, Uzbekistan.



Mirzakabilov Ravshan Narkuziyevich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Physical And Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan


Ashurova Dilfuza Nabiyevna

Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute


Abjalilov Sanakul Khujamovich

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute


Husenov Behzod Erkin ugli

Bukhara State University Department of Mathematical analysis. Doctor of Philosophy in Physical and Mathematical Sciences(PhD), senior lecturer


Usmonova Yulduz Sheralievna

Senior teacher of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry (PhD)



Pirimova Mehribon Asror qizi

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in inorganic chemistry, teacher at Tashkent State Dental Institute, Uzbekistan



Yalgashev Burkhon Fayzullayevich

Associate Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (DSc), Head of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in Primary Education, Chirchik State Pedagogical University


Egamberdiev Dostonbek Usmonjhon O’g’li

Andijan State University, Teacher, PhD


Bahronov Bekzod Islom ugli

Doctor of Philosophy in Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD) Bukhara State University Department of Mathematical Analysis



Berdiyev Ural Buranovich

Associate Professor of General Physics Department of Termiz State University


Pirnazarova Nasiba Baymanovna

Associate Professor of the Department of "Organic chemistry", Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Chemistry Sciences, Karshi State University, Uzbekistan


Sayfulloyeva Gulnoz Sayfulloyevna

Doctor of Philosophy in Physical and Mathematical Sciences PhD, Dotsent of the Department of "Mathematics" of Navoi State University


Hakimov Abdusalom

Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, dotsent of the Department of "Matematics" of Navoi State University.


Ablokulov Sherzodjon Zokir oglu

Senior teacher of the "Higher Mathematics" Department of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics


Boltaev Asliddin Askar ugli

Senior teacher of the "Differential equation" department of Bukhara state university, Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics


Yuldashev Iqboljon Shukuraliyevich

Senior lecturer, PhD. Department of Organic Synthesis and Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, National University of Uzbekistan


Muhiddinova Oqila Tulqin kizi,

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD), Associate Professor Mathematics, Differential equations and mathematical physics, Physical and mathematical sciences, Calculus , Higher Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Differential equations, Probability and Statistics


Abdumirkhakim Mirkhalilovich Akhmedov

TIIAME & NRU. Department of Physics and Chemistry. Position of associate professor. PhD in Chemistry


Usmonov Javokhir Bakhodir ugli

Senior Lecturer, Department of Algebra and Functional Analysis, National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences.


G’aybullayev Rustamjon Qahramonovich

Associate Professor at the Department of Algebra and Functional Analysis, National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Physical and Mathematical Sciences.


Jurayev Shukhrat Israilovich

Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, teacher of mathematics and informatics department (PhD)


Mirzoev Akmal Akhadovich

Doctor of Science (DSc) in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Hydraulic Drive Systems, Institute of Mechanics and Seismic stability of structures (IMSSS) named after M.T.Urazbaev of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences


Rikhsieva Barno

Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics (PhD), Senior researcher of the Laboratory "Dynamics of Soil Structures" of the Institute of Mechanics and Seismic Stability of Structures named after M.T.Urazbaev ASci RUz



Boltayev Habibjon Hamitovich

Doctor of Philosophy in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of "General Mathematics" at the Tashkent State Pedagogical University named Nizami


Pulatova Manzura Iskhakovna,

Professor of the Department of Exact Sciences of the Bukhara Engineering and Technological Institute, Uzbekistan


Boltayev Zafar Ikhtiyorovich,

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor of the Department of Exact Sciences of the Bukhara Engineering and Technological Institute, Uzbekistan


Umarov Aloviddin Ochilovich,

Associate Professor of the Department of "Exact Sciences" Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Physics and Mathematics, Bukhara Engineering and Technological Institute, Uzbekistan


Sayidov Xamrokul Kuvandikovich

Associate Professor, “Exact Sciences” Department, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD) Bukhara Engineering and Technological Institute, Uzbekistan



Muratova Manzura Nemadjanovna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Navoi State Mining and Technology University, Uzbekistan


Boboqulova Firuza Sheraliyevna

Associate Professor of the Department of Chemical Technology and Quality Management, Shahrisabz Branch, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Uzbekistan


Sodikov Mansur Kaxhorovich

Associate Professor, Shakhrisabz Branch of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.



Bazarova Nigora Shamsiyevna

Doctor of Environment Protection and Rational Utilization of Natural Resources, Docent, Professor of the Department of Agrochemistry and Ecology, Karshi State University, Uzbekistan


Safarov Uchkun Israilovich

Associate Professor of the Department of Construction Engineering., Doctor of Philosophy of Technical Sciences (PhD) Bukhara Engineering and Technological Institute, Uzbekistan



Eshkuvatov Kozim

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Dotsent of the Department of Mathematical of Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan


Begjanov Amirbek Shixnazarovich,

PhD, Urgench State University, Faculty of Technics, Docent of Department of Interfaculty general technical sciences.


Saidov Kurbon Sayfulloyevich

Candidate of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of ”Physics” Bukhara State University Bukhara, Uzbekistan


Niyazkhonova Bashorat Eshmamatovna

Candidate of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of ”Physics” Bukhara State University Bukhara, Uzbekistan


Saydaliev Kodirjon Kosimjonovich

Doctor of Philosophy Technical Science, PhD., Andijan machine-building institute.



Daujanov Aynazar Shınnazarovich

Candidate of Physics and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Analysis of Karakalpak State University


Zokirov Bekzod Ulashevich

Associate Professor of the Department of Chemical Technology and Quality Management, Shahrisabz Branch, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Kamashi District, Kashkadarya Region, Uzbekistan


Dusanov Ravshan Khalilovich

Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Science


Shodiev Sanjar Ruzukulovich

Head Of Department “Basics Of Geography and Economic Knowledge” Navoy State Pedagogical Institute



Xoʻjayev Lochin Husanovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Karshi branch of Tashkent University of information technologies named after Muhammad al-Kwarizmi, Uzbekistan



Muqumova Gulvar Jumayevna ,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in chemistry
Nishanova Mavlyuda Mamasadikovna
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation. Speacialist of the Department of material and technical base of higher and professional educational institutions, strengthening of the material and technical base of higher educational institutions. PhD in Physics
Dr. Djumabaev Davlatbay Khalillaevich
Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs and Innovations at Branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M.Gubkin in Tashkent city