Pronoun as an Independent Part of Speech

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Shakirova Saida Tuxtajonovna


It is known that pronouns played an important role in the formation of declension forms of the name and the pronominal conjugation of the verb - in many languages it is possible to trace the pronominal origin of personal and case endings. This is due to the fact that the lexical meanings of pronouns contain the concept of a person, attitude to the subject of speech, a concept that is extremely important from the point of view of the function of communication. Therefore, the pronouns turned out to be the words with the help of which even in ancient times, when the elements of the modern language were laid down, a primitive, but still a certain grammatical structure was created.

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How to Cite
Shakirova Saida Tuxtajonovna. (2022). Pronoun as an Independent Part of Speech. Eurasian Journal of Learning and Academic Teaching, 9, 29–32. Retrieved from