Subjectively chosen standards of a hyper feature
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Subjectively chosen standards of a hyperfeature in a literary text can be expressed by precedent proper names. Sometimes gradual hyperbole is reinforced by lexical or semantic repetition: Each hero is Samson: the strong perishes from the intrigues of the weak and numerous - if his patience bursts, he will crush them and be: crushed himself; or is he just a Gulliver among the Lilliputians, of whom there are so many that in the end they will still take vepx over him (A. Schopenhauer).
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How to Cite
Khudayberganova Nazokat, & Khudayberganova Gulasal. (2022). Subjectively chosen standards of a hyper feature. Eurasian Journal of Learning and Academic Teaching, 7, 144–147. Retrieved from

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