Scientific Herald2025-02-14T12:55:51+00:00Open Journal Systems<p><strong>Eurasian Scientific Herald (ESH)</strong> is an Open Access, Peer Reviewed, International, Refereed, Scientific Journal that publishes original research and review articles related to diverse areas of therotical and applied sciences. ESH will be published bimonthly online from August 2021.</p> <p> The main objective of <strong>Eurasian Scientific Herald (ESH)</strong> is to offer an intellectual platform to the international scholars and it aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in applied sciences. All manuscripts must be prepared in English language and subject to a rigorous peer-review process.</p> <p><strong>ISSN (E):</strong> 2795-7365</p> <p><strong>Journal Impact Factor:</strong> 8.225</p> In Agricultural Mechanization: Enhancing Efficiency And Sustainability In Modern Farming Practices2025-02-10T04:53:40+00:00Samadov Mukhiddin<p>Agricultural mechanization plays a pivotal role in transforming traditional farming practices into efficient, sustainable, and productive systems. This article explores the evolution of agricultural mechanization, its impact on global food production, challenges faced, and future prospects. From the advent of simple hand tools to the integration of sophisticated machinery and automation technologies, the agricultural sector has witnessed significant advancements that have revolutionized the way crops are cultivated, harvested, and processed. The adoption of mechanization has not only increased productivity and profitability but also raised concerns regarding environmental sustainability and socio-economic implications. This article delves into the various aspects of agricultural mechanization, highlighting its benefits, challenges, and potential solutions to ensure a harmonious coexistence between technology-driven agriculture and ecological balance</p>2025-01-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 And Its Relationship With Psychological Qualities2025-02-12T06:32:44+00:00Mannabova Ezoza<p>Hardiness is a person’s ability to overcome difficulties that arise in the process of achieving their goals. Problems that can arise with low life expectancy include: increased stress levels, depression, apathy, deterioration of physical health, decreased interpersonal relationships and productivity. In severe cases, this can lead to suicide. From this point of view, we set ourselves the task of identifying psychological qualities that affect the work of students in the Uzbek environment</p>2025-02-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Mannabova Ezoza Aspects Of The Development Of Cognitive Universal Educational Movement Of Primary Class Students2025-02-10T05:36:52+00:00Kodirov Jasur AbdumalikovichKodirov@gmail.comNorqulova Pokiza<p>This article focuses on considering the theoretical aspects of the development of cognitive educational universal actions in primary school students through interactive teaching methods is not only to arm students with a large amount of knowledge, but also to help the modern student develop and improve himself in all aspects by forming universal methods of action in them. Also, using this process, it is to familiarize the student with the environment, the world in a constantly changing society, to teach him to understand life consistently</p>2025-02-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Of The Novel “Lives Passed In A Dream”2025-02-13T12:50:24+00:00Scientific advisor Kalandarova Dilafruz AbdujamilovnaKalandarova@gmail.comAkhrorova Zarina<p>This article is about Utkir Khashimov’s famous novel “Lives passed in a dream” describing the events of the Afghan war. Through the inner experiences of the heroes of the work, the author reveals the pains hidden in the heart of a modern person. Each line of the work is filled with complex paradoxes of life. The author describes the subtle and noble principles of human life, the connection between dreams and reality so skillfully that every reader feels like one of the heroes. This work expresses life and death, love and dreams, hope and hatred in a deep and profound way. The stylistic wealth, poetic spirit and imagery in the content of the author’s language lead the reader to his spiritual and spiritual world. Utkir Khashimov reveals the truths of life in an amazing way and invites a person to think deeply. Each event, each image in the work reflects the subtle nuances of the human psyche more vividly</p>2025-02-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Practical Significance Of Improving Students' Musical Thinking And Perception Based On Traditional Singing Performance2025-02-13T12:52:51+00:00Jumаyevа Mоhinisо Sа’dullаyevnаJumаyevа<p>In the article, the artistic, creative-practical and amateur activities of the public; folk art of traditional material and non-material culture (folklore), folk music (musical folklore), folk theater (performance art), folk games (dance), puppetry, It talks about such creative types as gallows and wooden leg games (folk circus), folk visual and practical decorative arts, and technical and artistic hobby</p>2025-02-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Functional Features Of Interior Design Terminology In English And Uzbek Languages2025-02-14T12:55:51+00:00Xolmurotova Gulnora<p>This article examines the functional characteristics of interior design terminology in English and Uzbek. It explores the origins, linguistic and semantic features, as well as the challenges associated with translating and adapting these terms. The study identifies four main approaches to term formation in Uzbek: direct adoption, word-for-word translation, descriptive adaptation, and borrowing through Russian. The research highlights the importance of standardization in ensuring the effective use of terminology in professional communication and knowledge dissemination. The findings contribute to a better understanding of how interior design terms evolve across languages and provide insights into improving their translation and adaptation within the Uzbek linguistic and cultural context.</p>2025-02-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025