Problems in the Surgical Treatment of Concomitant Strabismus

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Boboev Saidavzal Abdurahmanovich
Kosimov Rayim Erkinovich


Surgical treatment of conjugate non-accommodative and partialaccommodative strabismus gives positive cosmetic effect in the majority of operated eyes (from 50 to 100%) according to different authors. Wide variation in the value of positive effect is associated with heterogeneity of functional state of operated eyes, age of operation, and follow-up time. Several methods of strabismus surgery (recession/cutting, muscle duplication, and adjustable sutures to the muscle) are currently used

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How to Cite
Boboev Saidavzal Abdurahmanovich, & Kosimov Rayim Erkinovich. (2022). Problems in the Surgical Treatment of Concomitant Strabismus. Eurasian Medical Research Periodical, 9, 35–40. Retrieved from