A Method of Calculating the Depth of Cut in A Lathe After Rolling on A Rough Part.

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Valixonov Dostonbek Azim o’g’li
Ohunjonov Zuxriddin Nosirjonovich


In this work, considering the treatment of the cutting tool as another manifestation of the process of decay in hard polymeric materials, a new solution to the problem of improving the quality of the machined surface by the method of initial rolling of the rough part on the basis of the thermofluctuation theory of decay is shown. the polymer sketch detail to be machined is first processed by the initial rolling method

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How to Cite
Valixonov Dostonbek Azim o’g’li, & Ohunjonov Zuxriddin Nosirjonovich. (2022). A Method of Calculating the Depth of Cut in A Lathe After Rolling on A Rough Part. Eurasian Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3, 6–11. Retrieved from https://geniusjournals.org/index.php/ejet/article/view/555